
The package provide tools for the construction and use of Geometrically Smooth (G1) Splines .

Here is an example of construction of a G1 surface, visualized with 'Axl':

using GSplines, SemiAlgebraicTypes, Axl

m = axldata("y1m1.axl")[1]  # read mesh from data file "y1m1.axl"
m[:color] =         # set its color to red
@axlview m                  # view the mesh using Axl


s = g1surface(m)            # compute a G1 smooth surface from the mesh m 
@axlview s                  # view the G1 spline surface using Axl


Here is another example with an off file.

m1 = offdata("")    # read mesh in off format from data file "" 
m1[:color]=        # set its color to blue
@axlview m1                 # view the mesh using Axl


s1 = g1surface(m1)          # compute a G1 smooth surface from the mesh m1 
@axlview s1                 # view the G1 spline using Axl 


Notice that the mesh has been subdivided using one step of Catmull-Clark subdivision, so that no extraordinary vertices (of valence $\neq$ 4) are connected by an edge.