
Greedy implementation of the Canny-Emiris formula as it was presented in "A Greedy Approach to the Canny-Emiris Formula" with the introduction of type functions. The underlying system of equations is written as:

\[F_i = \sum_{a \in \mathcal{A}_i}u_{i,a}\chi^a \quad i = 0,\dots,n\]

for some finite sets of supports $\mathcal{A}_i \subset M$ in a lattice of rank n. This implementation treats the cases in which the Newton polytopes $\Delta_i = conv(\mathcal{A}_i)$ are zonotopes (sums of line segments) or products of simplices (which correspond to multihomogeneous systems of equations).


Let $v_1,\dots,v_n \in M$ be independent vectors generating an n-zonotope. The supports of our zonotopes are:

\[\mathcal{A}_i^{,} = \big\{ \sum_{j = 1}^n \lambda_j v_j \in \mathbb{Z}^n\, \mid \quad \lambda_j \in \mathbb{Z}, \quad 0 \leq \lambda_j \leq a_{ij}\big\}\]

for some $a_{i,j} \quad i = 0,\dots,n \quad j = 1,\dots,s$. Let V be the $n \times n$ matrix whose columns are $v_1,\dots,v_n$ and let A be the matrix whose entries are the $a_{i,j}$.

The function CannyEmiris.Zonotopes receives these two matrices and returns two symbolic matrices $\mathcal{H}_{\mathcal{G}},\mathcal{E}_{\mathcal{G}}$ which correspond to the rational formula for the sparse resultant:

\[Res_{\mathcal{A}} = \big(\frac{det(\mathcal{H}_{\mathcal{G}})}{det(\mathcal{E}_{\mathcal{G}})}\big)^{det(V)}\]

which follows from Theorem 1.1 and Corollary 3.1 on the text.

Moreover, the program prints the polynomials $\chi^{b-a(b)}F_{i(b)}$ corresponding to all the lattice points in the greedy subset $b \in \mathcal{G}$, the size of the matrix and the degree of the resultant (which corresponds to the lattice points in mixed cells).

Let's see an example of the use of this function which corresponds to the system of Example 1.1 in the text.

julia> Using AlgebraicSolvers

julia> A = [[1,1] [1,1] [1,1]]
2×3 Matrix{Int64}:
 1  1  1
 1  1  1

julia> H = [[1,0] [0,1]]
2×2 Matrix{Int64}:
 1  0
 0  1

julia> CE, PM = CannyEmiris.Zonotopes(A,H)
The rows of the Canny-Emiris matrix x^{b-a(b)}F_{i(b)} are: 
[0, 1]-> x^[0, 1]*F_2
[0, 2]-> x^[0, 1]*F_1
[1, 0]-> x^[1, 0]*F_2
[1, 1]-> x^[1, 1]*F_2
[1, 2]-> x^[0, 1]*F_0
[2, 0]-> x^[1, 0]*F_1
[2, 1]-> x^[1, 0]*F_0
[2, 2]-> x^[1, 1]*F_1

The size of the greedy Canny-Emiris matrix is: 8
The degree of the resultant is: 6

The sparse resultant is the ratio of the determinants of the returned matrices to the power 1.0

julia> CE
8×8 Matrix{SymPy.Sym}:
 (u_{2, [0, 0]})  (u_{2, [0, 1]})                0  (u_{2, [1, 0]})  (u_{2, [1, 1]})                0                0                0
 (u_{1, [0, 0]})  (u_{1, [0, 1]})                0  (u_{1, [1, 0]})  (u_{1, [1, 1]})                0                0                0
               0                0  (u_{2, [0, 0]})  (u_{2, [0, 1]})                0  (u_{2, [1, 0]})  (u_{2, [1, 1]})                0
               0                0                0  (u_{2, [0, 0]})  (u_{2, [0, 1]})                0  (u_{2, [1, 0]})  (u_{2, [1, 1]})
 (u_{0, [0, 0]})  (u_{0, [0, 1]})                0  (u_{0, [1, 0]})  (u_{0, [1, 1]})                0                0                0
               0                0  (u_{1, [0, 0]})  (u_{1, [0, 1]})                0  (u_{1, [1, 0]})  (u_{1, [1, 1]})                0
               0                0  (u_{0, [0, 0]})  (u_{0, [0, 1]})                0  (u_{0, [1, 0]})  (u_{0, [1, 1]})                0
               0                0                0  (u_{1, [0, 0]})  (u_{1, [0, 1]})                0  (u_{1, [1, 0]})  (u_{1, [1, 1]})

julia> PM
2×2 Matrix{SymPy.Sym}:
 (u_{2, [0, 0]})  (u_{2, [1, 1]})
 (u_{1, [0, 0]})  (u_{1, [1, 1]})

The program will return an error if i) the matrix A or H do not have the desired dimensions,

julia> A = [[1,1] [1,1]]
2×2 Matrix{Int64}:
 1  1
 1  1

julia> H
2×2 Matrix{Int64}:
 1  0
 0  1

julia> CE, PM = CannyEmiris.Zonotopes(A,H)
The matrix of the a_{i,j} does not have the correct dimensions
(Dict{Any, Any}(), Dict{Any, Any}())

ii) if H does not correspond to an n-zonotope

julia> H = [[1,0] [0,0]]
2×2 Matrix{Int64}:
 1  0
 0  0

julia> CE, PM = CannyEmiris.Zonotopes(A,H)
The vectors do not correspond to an n-zonotope.
(Dict{Any, Any}(), Dict{Any, Any}())

or iii) entries of A are not ordered in the sense $0 < a_{0j} \leq a_{1j} \leq \dots \leq a_{n-1,j} \quad j = 1,\dots,n.$:

julia> A = [[2,1] [1,1] [1,1]]
2×3 Matrix{Int64}:
 2  1  1
 1  1  1

julia> H = [[1,0] [0,1]]
2×2 Matrix{Int64}:
 1  0
 0  1

julia> CE, PM = CannyEmiris.Zonotopes(A,H)
The matrix of the a_{i,j} does not satisfy a_{i-1,j} <= a_{i,j}
(Dict{Any, Any}(), Dict{Any, Any}())

Multihomogeneous systems

Let now N represent the vector of n1,...ns in a multihomogeneous system in $\mathbb{P}^{n_1} \times \dots \times \mathbb{P}^{n_s}$ and let D be a matrix whose columns are the multidegrees of the polynomials of the system so that:

\[\mathcal{A}_i = \big\{(b_{jl})_{l = 1,\dots,s}^{j = 1,\dots,n_l} \in \oplus_{l=1}^s\mathbb{Z}^{n_l} | b_{jl} \geq 0 \quad \sum_{j=0}^{n_l}b_{jl} \leq d_{i,l} \} \quad i = 0,\dots,n\]

The function CannyEmiris.Multihomogeneous(D::Matrix,N::Vector) receives these two matrices D and N and returns and returns two symbolic matrices which are the Canny-Emiris matrix and its principal minor, as before. Let's show its use in the system corresponding to Example 4.1.

julia> N = [2]
1-element Vector{Int64}:

julia> D = [2 2 1]
1×3 Matrix{Int64}:
 2  2  1

julia> CE,PM = CannyEmiris.Multihomogeneous(D,N)
The rows of the Canny-Emiris matrix x^{b-a(b)}F_{i(b)} are: 
[2, 1]-> x^[2, 1]*F_2
[3, 1]-> x^[3, 1]*F_2
[1, 2]-> x^[1, 2]*F_2
[2, 2]-> x^[2, 2]*F_2
[1, 3]-> x^[1, 3]*F_2
[4, 1]-> x^[2, 1]*F_1
[3, 2]-> x^[1, 2]*F_1
[2, 3]-> x^[2, 1]*F_0
[1, 4]-> x^[1, 2]*F_0

The size of the greedy Canny-Emiris matrix is: 9
The degree of the resultant is: 8

(SymPy.Sym[(u_{2, [0, 0]}) (u_{2, [1, 0]}) … 0 0; 0 (u_{2, [0, 0]}) … 0 0; … ; (u_{0, [0, 0]}) (u_{0, [1, 0]}) … (u_{0, [0, 2]}) 0; 0 0 … (u_{0, [1, 1]}) (u_{0, [0, 2]})], SymPy.Sym[(u_{2, 
[0, 0]});;])

julia> CE
9×9 Matrix{SymPy.Sym}:
 (u_{2, [0, 0]})  (u_{2, [1, 0]})                0  (u_{2, [0, 1]})                0                0                0                0                0
               0  (u_{2, [0, 0]})                0                0                0  (u_{2, [1, 0]})  (u_{2, [0, 1]})                0                0
               0                0  (u_{2, [0, 0]})  (u_{2, [1, 0]})  (u_{2, [0, 1]})                0                0                0                0
               0                0                0  (u_{2, [0, 0]})                0                0  (u_{2, [1, 0]})  (u_{2, [0, 1]})                0
               0                0                0                0  (u_{2, [0, 0]})                0                0  (u_{2, [1, 0]})  (u_{2, [0, 1]})
 (u_{1, [0, 0]})  (u_{1, [1, 0]})                0  (u_{1, [0, 1]})                0  (u_{1, [2, 0]})  (u_{1, [1, 1]})  (u_{1, [0, 2]})                0
               0                0  (u_{1, [0, 0]})  (u_{1, [1, 0]})  (u_{1, [0, 1]})                0  (u_{1, [2, 0]})  (u_{1, [1, 1]})  (u_{1, [0, 2]})
 (u_{0, [0, 0]})  (u_{0, [1, 0]})                0  (u_{0, [0, 1]})                0  (u_{0, [2, 0]})  (u_{0, [1, 1]})  (u_{0, [0, 2]})                0
               0                0  (u_{0, [0, 0]})  (u_{0, [1, 0]})  (u_{0, [0, 1]})                0  (u_{0, [2, 0]})  (u_{0, [1, 1]})  (u_{0, [0, 2]})

julia> PM
1×1 Matrix{SymPy.Sym}:
 (u_{2, [0, 0]})

Again, this function will return nothing if the dimension conditions and the order.

Other functions to call


The function CannyEmiris.MultihomogeneousEmbedding(MULTI_A::Matrix{Int64}, MULTI_N::Vector{Int64})) builds the embedding of the multihomogeneous system into a zonotope system. This system is given by the supports:

\[ \overline{\mathcal{A}_i} = \big\{(b_{jl})_{l = 1,\dots,s}^{j=1,\dots,n_l} \in \oplus_{j=1}^s\mathbb{Z}^{n_j} \: | \: 0 \leq \sum_{j = J}^{n_l}b_{jl} \leq d_{i,j}\}\quad l = 1,\dots,s \quad J = 1,\dots,n_l\]

julia> N = [2]
1-element Vector{Int64}:

julia> D = [2 2 1]
1×3 Matrix{Int64}:
 2  2  1

julia> CannyEmiris.MultihomogeneousEmbedding(D,N)
([2 2 1; 2 2 1], [1 -1; 0 1])


The function CannyEmiris.GenerateTypeFunctions(n::Int) constructs the iterator that produces all the type functions $\varphi:\{1,\dots,n\} \xrightarrow{} \{0,\dots,n\}$ satisfying the condition on the greedy subset $\mathcal{G}$:

\[\sum_{i = 0}^{I-1} t_{b,i} \leq I \quad \forall I = 1,\dots,n`` where ``t_{b,i} = |\varphi^{-1}(i)|\]

julia> p = CannyEmiris.GenerateTypeFunctions(2)
Main.CannyEmiris.TypeFunctions{Vector{Int64}}([0, 1, 2], 2)

julia> for x in p println(x) end
[0, 1]
[0, 2]
[1, 0]
[1, 1]
[1, 2]
[2, 0]
[2, 1]
[2, 2]